Adding a team from a template

This article covers how to add a team in Progression using a template from our Library.

The Progression Library contains templates for Skills, Collections of Skills and Frameworks (Teams) to help speed up your build.

Here's how to add a team in Progression using a Library template:

  1. Using the left side navigation menu, scroll to 'Library'

  2. When you click on the Library you'll see three options; 'Skills', 'Collections' and 'Frameworks'

  3. Click Frameworks to go to our library of team frameworks

  4. You can search for a team framework by name or by using the tags provided

  5. Hover over the team template you'd like to use and click 'Preview Template' to see more details — you can see the positions and skills included in the template in this preview

  6. To use the template, click 'Use Template'

  7. From here, you can specify whether you'd like to add the template to an existing team or create a new team.