This article goes into the detail of how we calculate skills gaps and how to interpret them.
On of the first questions you'll have after completing a series of check-ins is: where are we weakest? What are the skills we need to improve? The Skill Gap Analysis aims to answer those questions.
Below, we go into detail into what data we include and how the scores are calculated. To help with understanding, we walkthrough the calculations for a simplified organisation with the following content:
2 Positions:
Software Engineer (4 people in position)
- Coding L2
- Communication L2
Senior Software Engineer (2 people in position)
- Coding L3
- Communication L3
- Leadership L3
5 Check-ins:
- Software Engineer
- Coding (working towards L1)
- Communication (working towards L1)
- Software Engineer
- Coding (meeting L2)
- Communication (meeting L2)
- Software Engineer
- Coding (meeting L2)
- Communication (working towards L1)
- Senior Software Engineer
- Coding (working towards L2)
- Communication (working towards L2)
- Leadership (meeting L3)
- Senior Software Engineer
- Coding (meeting L3)
- Communication (meeting L3)
- Leadership (exceeding L4)
1. User Count
The number of users that use this skill in their position.
4x Software Engineers + 2x Senior Software Engineer
user count = 6
2. Checkin Count
The number of users that have a check-in including this skill, completed in the last 12 months
3x Software Engineers check-ins + 2x Senior Software Engineer check-ins
checking count = 5
3. Average Required Level
The average of the required level across each user's position.
Software Engineer: 4 people require L2
Senior Software Engineer: 2 people require L3
average required level = ((4*2)+(2*3))/6 = 2.333
Software Engineer: 4 people require L2
Senior Software Engineer: 2 people require L3
average required level = ((4*2)+(2*3))/6 = 2.333
Senior Software Engineer: 2 people require L3
average required level = (2*3)/2 = 3
4. Average Assessed Level.
The average assessed level of a given skill.
5 check-ins
average assessed Level: (L1+L2+L2+L2+L3)/5 = 2
5 check-ins
average assessed Level: (L1+L2+L1+L2+L3)/5 = 1.8
2 check-ins
average assessed Level: (L3+L4)/2 = 3.5
5. Skill Gap
The difference between average assessed level and average required level. A negative number implies an improvement area, a positive number indicates a strength
average assessed Level - average required level
2 - 2.333
skill gap = -0.333
6. Weighted Skill Gap
Takes the skill gap and multiples it by the number of people which need that skills in their position.
skill gap = -0.333
user count = 6
weighted skill gap = -1.998
7. Average Assessed Required Level
The average level that skill was assessed against in the check-ins.
average assessed required Level = 2.4
8. Assessed Skill Gap
The difference between average assessed level and average assessed required level. A negative number implies an improvement area, a positive number indicates a strength
average assessed required Level = 2.4
average assessed Level = 2
assessed skill gap: 2 - 2.4 = -0.4
9. Checkin Coverage
The percent of users requiring this skill in their position who have checked-in against that skill.
user count = 6
checking count = 5
checkin coverage: (5/6) x 100 = 83%