Changing seat numbers

We answer your questions around adding/removing seats, billing and invoicing.

This article applies to customers on Launch and Scale plans. Prices are example only and do not reflect actual pricing. For more information on our pricing talk to us.

It's easy to add and remove seats on your plan, just invite, archive or import users and Progression will take care of the billing.

What happens when I add new users?

Depending on the subscription type your organisation has chosen, one of several things will happen:

  • Business / Launch / Scale plans,

    • An extra seat will be added to your subscription and you will be billed pro-rata for the remainder of your subscription term.

    • If you have "empty seats", because you archived users in your current subscription term, then these will be filled and you will not be charged.

  • Organisation plans
    • If you have agreed a fixed, paid number of seats with us, you will only be charged if you go above this limit. Consult the terms of your MSA for information.

How much will I be charged when I add new users?

You will be billed pro-rata for the remainder of your subscription term. We've provided some examples below!

When will I be charged for new users?

The pro-rated cost of new users is billed monthly for both annual and monthly subscriptions.

What happens when I archive users?

When you archive a user your seat count is reduced at the end of your subscription term. For monthly subscriptions this will be at the end of the month, for annual subscriptions this will be at the end of 12 month term.

If you have more seats on your subscription than you do active users in your organisation, when you add a new user they will fill one of these empty seats and you will not be charged.


Example 1: Add user on monthly subscription term.

An organisation with 20 users, paying $8 per seat per month, adds 1 new user halfway through the month.

The following month they would be billed $172 ($160 for 20 users, $8 for the new user and $4 for the pro-rated subscription for the new user in the previous month).

Example 2: Add user on annual subscription term.

An organisation with 20 users, paying $108 per seat per year, adds 1 new user 2 months in to their subscription term.

At the end of that month they would be billed $90 (10/12 * $108) for the remaining 10 months of the term.

Example 3: Archive user on monthly subscription term.

An organisation with 20 users, paying $8 per seat per month, archives 1 user halfway through the month.

The following month they would be billed $152 (19 * $6) with no credit or refund for the unused time of the archived user.

Example 4: Archive user on annual subscription term.

An organisation with 20 users, paying $108 per seat per year, archives 1 user after 2 months.

There will be no credit or refund given for the unused time of the archived user, however that seat will remain vacant to add a new user to at no cost.

On subscription renewal, at the end of the 12 month period, the organisation may decide to reduce their subscription to 19 seats.