Email template: Introduction to Progression for managers (platform + grow)

This email introduces Progression to managers new to the platform. It includes log in instructions and a brief overview of a framework.

Sent to: Managers new to Progression, on a Platform and Grow subscription. If you’d like to communicate with team members, use this template instead.

Things to check and update: We’ve highlighted in italics where you can personalise this email template. We’ve also highlighted in yellow where there is different versions of copy for you to choose from. Beyond this, feel free to edit this email template as needed.

Hi [First name],

We want to help everyone at [Organisation name] realise their potential, and give you the tools you need to support your team to develop and succeed.

That’s why we’ve invested in Progression, a career development platform that provides career clarity through team frameworks, tracks growth, identifies potential and surfaces areas for improvement.


Progression can help answer questions like:

  • What’s expected of someone in their job right now, and how I can help them realise their potential?

  • What are the weak spots and skill gaps in my team, and where should I focus my support?

  • How can I identify then show my reports opportunities to develop within [Organisation name]?

  • How can I evidence a report’s growth and advocate for what they deserve?

Getting started

Log in to Progression


If an invitation has already been sent use:

If you haven’t already, please follow the instructions emailed to you by Progression to log in to your account.

If you can’t find an email from Progression, you can log into your account using this link. Add your email address, then hit ‘Send me a magic link’.

Log in →

If you have any trouble logging in, let your [HR Business Partner/Function Lead] know.

If an invitation will be sent shortly use:

You’ll receive an email invitation from Progression in the next few days with instructions to log in to your account. The invitation will expire after five days. If you don’t receive an email from Progression by [date] please let your [HR Business Partner/Function Lead] know.

If an invitation is not being sent use:

Follow this link to log into your Progression account for the first time. Add your email address, then hit ‘Send me a magic link’. You’ll be able to use this to log in. If you have any trouble logging in, let your [HR Business Partner/Function Lead] know.

If your org is using SSO:

Follow this link to log into your Progression account for the first time. Add your email address, then hit ‘Log In'. If you have any trouble logging in, let your [HR Business Partner/Function Lead] know.


2. Explore your team’s framework

The framework covers all the positions in your team. Depending on its size, it might also be broken down by track.

Click into each position to see a description of the job, plus associated skills and their levels. Familiarise yourself with all the content, then sit down with your reports 1:1 to check you’re both happy with their position, its description, skills, skill examples and skill levels.

View your framework →

3. Help your team track their growth

There’s a few different ways you and your reports can track growth in Progression:

🏆 Celebrate with Wins

Everyone at [Organisation name] can add Wins for themselves or others. Wins are a great way to capture your team’s work achievements, big and small.

💌 Collect Feedback

You can request and give targeted feedback any time.

✅ Complete Actions

Encourage your team to save, track and check off Actions to capture and demonstrate the work they’re doing towards their development.

🫶 Start a Check-in

Starting a new Check-in is a great way to review your report’s position, agree how they’re tracking against skills right now and decide next steps. And once you’ve completed a Check-in you’ll unlock rich insights identifying their strengths, blind spots and where they can focus next, so you can celebrate their achievements, support them to grow and advocate for that they deserve.

Need a hand?

If you’ve got a question or need some help, simply reply to this email.

If you think something’s incorrect or missing from your framework, add a comment for your [HR Business Partner/Function Lead] to pick up. View your framework.


[First name]